Kairyuu Pirates

* Name: Shura

* Birthday: Unknown

* Age: Unknown

* Sex: Female

* Height: Unknown

* Weight: Unknown

* Blood Type: Unknown

* Occupation: Leader of the Kairyuu Pirates

* Weapon: Nunchucks

* Fighting Style: Unknown

* Distinguishing Marks: wears red garments

* Personality: At first, Shura may seem like a bloodthirsty pirate whose only intentions are to pillage ships and destroy lives. On the contrary, this beautiful pirate is really a caring person who wishes for nothing more than for she and her crew to lead peaceful lives. However, this seems like an impossible dream due to their circumstances.

* Background: Shura, as well as the rest of her crew, grew up on an island located just off the coast of Japan. The people here were extremely poor. Because their plight was ignored by the government, the people were forced to turn to piracy in order to get the basic supplies necessary for survival. Shura's father was the first leader of the Kairyuu pirates.

Shura would come to inherit this position from her father.


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